Thursday, December 24, 2009

PF 2010 by The Dance Theatre MIMI FORTUNAE Brno

PF 2010 (with some sentences)

I supposed I would write to this pages for my friends in The India, The Jordan Kingdom or The USA weekly but the reality was different.
I wrote the last text there a month ago. Now is The Christmas Eve and I have only time to put there The PF 2010 and say you: “I am thinking about my foreign friends very often but I have so little time to write them.”
Last month I only one time talk via chat with my Indian friend.No more. It was for me very fain to practise my English and I hope I will meet some of you next year (or in the year 2011) face to face.
I hope we will visit your country again with our dance theatre!
I appologize for mistakes in my English - I suppose there anyone is!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Change of design template

I decided to use the new design template for my blog.
Old template was named "Son of Moto" by Jeffrey Zeldman, now I am using the template "Rounders 4" by Douglas Bowman. What do you think about my decision?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Invitation (by the Director of TD MF Hana Látalova)

Dear friends,
Dance theatre MIMI FORTUNAE will be presented on 27.11.2009 in the theatre BARKA in Brno the geust – Jiří Lössl from Prague with his unique solo.
The end of the evening will be given BOLERO by Ravell.

M. Ravel/ J. Hradil: BOLERO
the guest of the evening
27.11.2009 at 19:00
Theatre BARKA
Svatopluka Čecha 35a, Brno-Královo Pole
Rezervation - tel. 737 261 107
The rest of the ticets before the preformance in the theatre

Extra dancing performance – TD MIMI FORTUNAE (Brno) features the choreography of the year and the guest Jiří LÖSSL (Praha)

Why this blog?

It is simple, I wont to understant and know this technology how to publish. A have to do it. At first, I need to help my friend Jarda Vrána with our web pages TD MIMI FORTUNAE and with the input of the text on our theatre blog.
So I thougt about it. I will try to use this technology for the making my new private web pages.
My old web pages were used for the advertisement of my private tutor classes.
Tutor classes - mathematics and physics
Everywhere in Brno, mobil phone +420777083126 or via mail.

The other parts of those web pages are now unactual...