Thursday, December 24, 2009

PF 2010 by The Dance Theatre MIMI FORTUNAE Brno

PF 2010 (with some sentences)

I supposed I would write to this pages for my friends in The India, The Jordan Kingdom or The USA weekly but the reality was different.
I wrote the last text there a month ago. Now is The Christmas Eve and I have only time to put there The PF 2010 and say you: “I am thinking about my foreign friends very often but I have so little time to write them.”
Last month I only one time talk via chat with my Indian friend.No more. It was for me very fain to practise my English and I hope I will meet some of you next year (or in the year 2011) face to face.
I hope we will visit your country again with our dance theatre!
I appologize for mistakes in my English - I suppose there anyone is!