Monday, February 14, 2011

Composition (No. 5 - after correction)

Water is a vital part of our existence and we need water for our survival. Due to the fact that water is not available in all places around the world in the same quantity, it must be transported. So, currently it is contained in many different forms. Unfortunately, people prefer one with the longest decomposition time – the plastic bottle.
Firstly, although there are many different forms of water containers, people still prefer the plastic bottle. Other basic forms of water containers had some troubles. The first, glass bottles are too heavy to carry, they are able to be used repeatly, but the process of cleaning them required a lot energy. The second basic form, paper boxes with alluminia or PE interior surface are not as solid as the plastic and glass bottles.
Secondly, even though there are many inputs (oil, energy etc.) to produce plastic bottles, they are cheaper than paper boxes and glass bottles. Needless to say, in my opinion, if we count the costs of production and the costs of wastage process (separation of bottles and transforming of this separated waste to new material – small bubbles or powder, which is later used as a source for other productions), the previous sentence is not right. But, it is necessary to use this process of separation due to the long decomposition time of plastic bottles.
Finally, very often people ask for water packed in container, even though there is the possibility to use the water from the tap. It is widely believed that tap water is not the same quality as the packed water. Surprisingly, in Mid-European countries the quality of tap water is generally higher than packed water. Fortunately, in many restaurants it is now accepted and you can get tap water as standard.
Taking everything into account, it is understandable from the technical point of view (weight, solidity etc.) why people prefer the plastic bottle, but it is necessary to separate them from the waste and use them as the source for the next production. If we do not, forests, beaches etc. will be changed to a dump.

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