Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Composition (No. 8 - after correction)

There are many problematic issues in the world today and public health seems to be a front-runner. As the rising numbers of governments have made smoking in public places illegal, many businesses now say that no one can smoke in any of their offices, even the entire building.
Firstly, based only on the statistical data, there is a direct correlation between health and smoking. The dependence of probability to die of cancer and the number of cigarettes smoked per day epitomizes common used sentence, but it is still only a theory based on the statistical data. No chemical process in the body, which is responsible for the beginning of cancer is described. So the global war against smokers is only a political game. The governments like the tax on cigarettes.
Secondly, “the clever smoker” practices his obsession with cigarettes outside all the time. It is a well-known fact that an enclosed area (any room) smells with cigarette smoke more than two days, although the air is completely refreshed through the open window after smoking. So, every “clever smoker” smokes outside so as to not restrict non-smokers, and, generally, to not restrict the use of inside areas of the building.
Moreover, many good ideas and solutions were built in small group of people taking a discussion about some problems by the smoking of cigarettes. Smoking has been adopted in the cultural and social environment for many years and, vice-versa, the rooting out of “human environment” will take many years.
Generally speaking, smoking is the cultural attitude based in previous centuries. Although the addiction on nicotine is described in many medical texts, the amount of advertisement for cigarettes decreased in this century. Taking everything into account, governments are not able to change attitude of previous generation in one day. It is not the issue for some restricted law “where it is allowed to smoke”, but the solution is based on teaching the next generation to be non-smokers completely.

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